A week ago I decided I wanted to break from my musical for awhile so I can get inspiration again due to my writers block. In this time, it was very difficult for me to just enjoy life because something about relaxing wasn't relaxing to me. With everything going on in my life, from my mom kicking me out to me barley being able to get by with the little hours I have at my job, I felt like a failure. It made me realize that this can't be it, there has to be more to life than getting by.
Then, just a few days ago, I was babysitting this three year old little girl, Gracie. This baby stole my heart when I first met her a few weeks after she was born, and in that little time, having her around meant the world to me. I was watching her when she kept asking me to sing to her. I was just ad-libbing but it made her laugh and that made me want to smile. Something about how all the problems in the world in one moment become less transparent and in doing so, you make someone else smile. Whether it's a lover
or a sibling, people in your lives, or someone you never met before.
That's when I realized what this new song was going to be. From there everything seemed to fall into place. I could feel my heart pouring out in this song, tearing up to what I knew I found deep in my head somewhere, and it has since become my favorite of what I have created. It not only is what I connect with the most, additionally, it connects me with the people around me, in a way, it makes me feel closer with everyone I see on a human level. Furthermore, I do believe that we all can be who we are meant to be if we stand up and raise our voices so everyone can hear, as long as we make the choice to be who we are meant to be.
Way to tell a great story about how interacting with a baby sparked you.